LF shiny offers
Looking for shiny versions of: keldeo, sobble, buzzwole, lugia, kecleon, kingler, melmetal, necrozma, lunala, heatmor, arceus, quaxley, maractus, starmie, aromatisse, slurpuff, furfrou, sprigatito,. I’m also interested in marked shiny offers. Will trade more than one shiny for a legendary shiny of course.
Looking for shiny versions of: keldeo, sobble, buzzwole, lugia, kecleon, kingler, melmetal, necrozma, lunala, heatmor, arceus, quaxley, maractus, starmie, aromatisse, slurpuff, furfrou, sprigatito,. I’m also interested in marked shiny offers. Will trade more than one shiny for a legendary shiny of course.